On Windows it will be called “HuniePop 2 – Double Date.exe” and on Mac it will be called “HuniePop 2 – Double Date.app”. On GOG, you can find where the game executable file is located by going to the game’s page from within the GOG Galaxy client, clicking the options button at the top, expanding “Manage installation” and then clicking “Show folder”. Uncensor Patch (copy this link and paste it in your browser’s address bar):

Then, the next time you start the game, it will automatically recognize and apply the patch. I bet youve just got 'hide file extensions' left to the default (on) in Windows, and as such you havent realised that youve called the file '' by mistake. The comment section where you type Steam a message will say: 'NO NUDIES NO MONIES'. All you have to do is download the external uncensor patch file below and place it in the same location/directory on your computer where the game executable file is. If it is unsuccessful then I will request a refund.